We perform our services on several systems aiming a complete systems overhaul and changing improvement.
Before intervention our standard procedure is to check each system by executing a working test and pressure test with support of Chief Engineer and Shipmaster.
Our target is to standardize our workings on all systems on board in order to optimize costs and maintenances.
That one of the first changing carried out on almost all systems is the complete replacement of hydraulic and pneumatic hoses.
In order to improve efficiency, durability and long life to these systems we are used to install hoses having an high thermal resistance, protected by thermal and no-abrasion sheath. All hoses are supplied with stainless AISI 316 connections and are single marked with date of manufacture and production reference.
Also hydraulic cylinders of new supply or renewed in our workshop are marked and traceable for a correct managing of assistances. All cylinders are renewed using stainless steel spares as per rods, studs, bearings and rod ends.